If you're going overseas
If you go overseas for more than 30 days, you can suspend your cover to a maximum of 2 years at any one time.
If your travel plans change, let us know within 30 days and send us confirmation of your new return date to Australia.
How to apply for an overseas suspension
We’ll need to know your departure and arrival dates. To provide these details, please message us before you depart.
Please note: Your premiums must be paid up until the date of your departure. We’ll then confirm the suspension to you in writing, and contact you on your return to reactivate your cover. Also be aware that you’ll still need to serve any waiting periods you may have had before leaving the country, and no benefits will be paid for services provided during the suspension period. Suspending your cover may result in you being charged the Medicare Levy Surcharge (please get in touch with your accountant, tax agent or the Australian Tax Office for further advice).