Partners and dependents (aged 16+) have options about how their personal and sensitive information is shared with the Principal Member on their policy (or other authorised persons). There are 2 types of consent (online extras claims consent and claims and information consent) which you can read more about below or find out more about in our Member Guide and Privacy Policy.
Online Extras Claims
What is consent for online extras claims information?
This allows the Principal Member on the policy to view the extras claims history online for members on their policy who are 16+ by logging in to their account on our website or app.
How does the Principal Member get access to other members extras claim information online?
To get access to the extras claims information online for a member aged 16+, the Principal Member needs to first provide the other member’s contact details to ahm– this can be done by logging in to your account and selecting update my details or by contacting us). Next, we’ll send the other member either an email or SMS asking if they want to keep their extras claims history hidden from the Principal Member. If the member does not contact us within 30 days asking to keep their extra claims information hidden online, we will assume that they consent to sharing their extras claims information online with the Principal Member.
Please note, if a member has provided a Claims and Information Consent (see question 3 below for more details) authorising the Principal Member to access their personal information, the Principal Member can access information about extras claims by contacting ahm by phone or web messaging. The online extras claims consent only controls the Principal Member’s online access to extras claims information.
Online Hospital, Medical and Ambulance Claims
What is Claims and Information Consent?
This means that the member has given consent to an authorised third party (this could be the Principal Member or someone else) to access and amend their personal information. This consent is called a Claims and Information Consent.
Claims and Information Consent provides the authorised person with access to a member’s sensitive information and contact details when dealing with ahm over the phone or through web messaging. This includes accessing and amending their name and contact details, accessing their membership and correspondence history, and information about all types of claims (including services that were claimed, the date of the claim, the cost of the claim, the provider of the service, and information about any upcoming claims).
If the authorised person is also the Principal Member, the Claims and Information Consent will allow them to see information about the member’s hospital and medical claims history online. See question 2 above for information about how the Principal Member may access extras claims online.
How does the Principal Member get access to other members hospital and medical claim information online (including ambulance)?
To get access to the hospital and medical claims information online for a member aged 16+, the individual must have provided the Principal Member with Claims and Information Consent
How do you provide Claims and Information Consent?
An individual can provide Claims and Information Consent by completing a Claims and Information Consent Form. Once completed, the Principal ahm member will need to submit the form online. Scan or take a photo of the completed form, login or open the ahm app, go to Upload Documents and upload the form under the 3rd party authority option. Or post to ahm health insurance, Locked Bag 4, Wetherill Park NSW 2164.
Alternatively, a member can also provide Claims and Information Consent by contacting us via web messaging or phone.
Claims and Information Consent must be provided by the member personally, someone cannot do this on their behalf.
Withdrawing Consent
How do I withdraw or change my consents?
Members can contact ahm at any time by web messaging or phone (contact us) to remove or update the Claims and Information Consent or the online extras claims consent.