If you have hospital cover with ahm we’ll help with bills for included treatments when you’re admitted to hospital as a private patient.
These bills can include doctor’s fees, accommodation, operating fees and intensive care.
The types of services included on your hospital cover depends on the level of cover you choose. Generally, the higher the level of cover, the more services you can claim towards.
Reasons to get hospital cover:
- Greater choice over your health care.
- If you go to a private hospital, you can choose your specialist.
- If you go to a private hospital, you’ll be treated as soon as you and your specialists are ready, after you've served your waiting periods.
- Help with the cost of medically necessary ambulance services.
Hospital cover can also help with the:
- Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS), if you earn over $97,000 as a single or $194,000 as a single parent, couple or family
- Lifetime Health Cover (LHC) loading that generally applies if you join hospital cover on or after 1 July following your 31st birthday
We’ve got a wide range of options that suit different needs and lifestyles.
Find hospital cover that suits you, or log in to check your cover.
Waiting periods
It's important to know that waiting periods apply. A waiting period is a set amount of time you must wait before we can help with the cost of items and services that are included under your cover. We can’t help out with any items, treatments or services you receive during a waiting period. So, it's a good idea to check over the information about waiting periods when choosing your cover.
How much will it cost to go to hospital?
The amount we’re able to help with your bills will depend on what you’re claiming for, where you’re being treated, your cover and your waiting periods. These are all important things to check when you’re looking at different cover and treatment options.
Out of pocket costs
Out-of-pocket costs are all the bills involved in your treatment or service, minus any reimbursements from either us or Medicare. While we’ll help with the cost of services and treatments included in your cover, you may still need to pay an amount out-of-pocket.
This is a flat, up-front cost you may pay when you’re admitted to a hospital, and you want to use your hospital cover. We have different excess options to suit your needs and budget.
Find out more about excess.
For more info chat with us or call 134 246 weekdays, 8am – 7pm (AEST/AEDT).