While it’s fair to say everyone’s been guilty of putting off a trip to the dentist, there are a few tell-tale signs that it could be time to bite the bullet and book in your next visit.
We all know going to the dentist can sometimes be a pain, both literally and figuratively. But a bit of teeth and gum love with regular dental check-ups can go a long way and keep your money maker healthy for years to come. So, if you think you could be overdue for a check-up, here are some signs to look out for:
- Bleeding gums
As well as being Lisa Simpsons’ sax playing jazz idol, bleeding gums can also be a sign of over enthusiastic brushing and/or flossing. But, if you’re seeing signs of inflammation in your gums then this could be an indication of something more serious. If plaque isn’t removed it can infect our gums resulting in swelling and redness, both of which are early signs of gum disease.
- Mouth sores
Biting the inside of your cheek and the mouth sores that follow are an unfortunate but unavoidable part of life. These sores or ulcers will usually go away on their own, but if they don’t clear up within a few days, or you are getting them frequently it may warrant a trip to the dentist.
- Jaw pain
Do you find yourself waking up with jaw pain or a headache? This could be from grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw overnight without even realising it. Dentists can help with custom-made mouth guards to provide protection from even the most stressful dreams. A tooth ache could also cause your jaw to be sore so might be time to head to the dentist to get it checked out.
- Tooth sensitivity
Have you noticed that your teeth are overly sensitive? They’re not laughing at any of your jokes and react poorly to hot or cold temperatures? Like bleeding gums, this could also be due to over-zealous brushing, or a reaction to tooth-whitening toothpaste or a strong mouthwash. But if you think it could be a more serious issue - like receding gums, enamel erosion, tooth decay or a leaky filling – then it’s probably time for your dentist to take a look.
- Bad breath
We’ve all been there! While it’s often no more sinister than a sign that you’re hungry or went a bit too hard on the garlic. If your bad breath is lingering like well… a bad smell, then it could be something more and worth a check.
- Tooth ache
Tooth aches could be due to tooth decay, dental abscess or injury, a cracked tooth, loose or broken fillings, or receding gums. Unfortunately, these won’t heal themselves and left too long things could get a lot worse (your tooth dying kind of ‘worse’). So, if you experience any of these symptoms head to the dentist to get it checked out.
- Stained teeth
Whether it’s because of red wine, smoking, or tea, anyone can get stained teeth. But if the little brown marks don’t go away after brushing, it could be time for a professional clean.
Did you know?
With most ahm extras covers you can get up to 2 no gap dental check-ups every financial year (up to your annual limit for routine dental) at selected dentists. No gap dental check-ups include:
- Periodic and comprehensive examination
- Clean and polish or scale and clean
- Fluoride treatment
Other dental services such as x-rays, tooth extractions and fillings are excluded from no gap dental check-ups but benefits for these services can be claimed as routine dental subject to your annual limit.
So once you’ve served the waiting period, show your teeth some love and book in for your twice yearly check-up at the dentist.
To see your annual limit for routine dental and what benefits you can claim, log in to your ahm account or check the ahm app.
Before you book an appointment, consult your dentist and follow government advice about any restrictions or risks related to COVID-19. While we hope you find this info helpful, please note its general in nature. It’s not health advice, and isn’t tailored to meet your individual health needs. You should always consult a trusted health professional before making decisions about your health care. While we’ve prepared the info carefully, we can’t guarantee it’s accurate, complete or up-to-date. And while we may mention goods or services provided by others, we aren’t specifically endorsing them and can’t accept responsibility for them. For these reasons we’re unable to accept responsibility for any loss that may be sustained from acting on this info (subject to applicable consumer guarantees). ahm health insurance is a business of Medibank Private Limited ABN 47 080 890 259.